Known (and unknown errors)

- Known Problems
- Unsaved project does not check that gadgets really have been edited.
- This guide sometimes has very long lines. Also bold items following
* are followed by too many spaces.
This appears to be due to a problem with MakeInfo, menus and lists.
- This guide does not look correct when using amigaguide.library versions
before 39. This will not be fixed.
- Fails to do anything if run on less than 2.04 (could display a message). This
is unlikely to be fixed.
- Progress gadgets do not look to good using 2.04. They do look OK when
using 3.0+. This will not be fixed.
- 24 bit ILBMs are loaded into Chip memory. If you do not have enough, then
convert the input images to PPM or JPEG first. (Thanks to Jamie Cope).
- Unknown Problems?
- Image validation requires tidying up - especially with anim morphs/warps.
- TSMorph and TSMorph-render may not release all memory.
- TSMorph-prefs has not been well tested.
- TSMorph may open zoomed large windows with corruption.
- Width and Height in the parameter file may not be correctly set and require manual editing.
Please report any other bugs by EMail to or